Client Education

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In keeping with our mission statement. We strive to offer our clients ways to improve their overall understanding of the healthy horse. Please check out these great articles, and let us know what else you'd like to read about!

60-day Back-to-Work Schedule

The following are general guidelines for the Back to Work schedule: Do not skip days! This program depends on consistent work to help injured tendons, ligaments and bones adapt to the gradually increasing stresses of work. If you notice that your horse becomes unsound during this program, give us a call.

60-Day back-to-Work Schedule.pdf (PDF — 47 KB)


Print this list of common colic causes and symptoms for quick reference.

Colic.pdf (PDF — 53 KB)

Colic Aftercare

After your horse has been treated for colic it is important to monitor signs carefully.  Note attitude, water intake, passage of manure (consistency and amount) and gas, urination, gut sounds, gum color (pink is normal), hydration (check gum moisture and skin pinch on side of neck), and temperature (<101.0F).  Look for any signs of discomfort such as pawing at ground, looking or kicking at belly, a distended or tucked-up abdomen, rolling, swishing tail frequently, or holding tail higher than normal.  If your horse is exhibiting signs of discomfort, call your veterinarian. 

colic aftercare.pdf (PDF — 83 KB)

Deworming Protocol

There are many different methods of keeping gastrointestinal parasites in check. In the past, we relied on daily dewormer or rotational deworming every two to three months.  Today, current research is indicating these methods are not optimal.

Daily deworming increases the likelihood of creating parasites that are resistant to conventional dewormers. Rotational deworming can create a similar problem. Specifically, it can create parasites that are resistant to all types of dewormers - a so called “Super Worm.”

The current protocol we strongly recommend is to determine your horse’s parasite load with a fecal exam (fecal egg count). We can use the fecal to determine whether or not your horse needs deworming. For those animals that have a high fecal egg count,a  fecal exam should should be performed 15 days and 60-90 days after administration to test the efficacy of the dewormer.

Horses that have been identified as “high shedders” (horses with frequently high fecal egg counts) should have fecals exams more often. Deworming based on fecal exam findings may be less expensive than rotational deworming.

 At Triangle Equine we are committed to staying abreast of current research in equine medicine. We may modify our protocol in the future as new research enhances our knowledge of equine parasitology.

Current Deworming Protocol.pdf (PDF — 44 KB)

Esophageal Obstruction (Choke)

Esophageal obstruction has many causes. Most often it is caused by impaction of feed material or foreign objects in the esophagus. Eating too quickly can predispose a horse to choke, especially if the horse is exhausted, dehydrated or debilitated. Dental abnormalities can predispose a horse to choke as the horse cannot effectively grind his feed. Prior trauma to the esophagus, masses in the lumen or outside the lumen of the esophagus, or congenital abnormalities are other possible causes for esophageal obstruction. 

Esophageal Obstruction.pdf (PDF — 62 KB)

First Aid and Normal Physical Parameters Chart

Hang this chart up in a central location in your barn.  Also take a picture of it with your phone and keep it handy for traveling with your horse.  Every horse caregiver should familiarize themselves with these parameters before an emergency occurs.  The supply list will help ensure your barn is well prepared for any situation. 

First Aid and physical parameters chart.pdf (PDF — 53 KB)

Hoof Care

Horses that are housed in stalls or small pens should have their feet picked out daily. This will aid in examination for rocks, sticks or other foreign objects. This article touches on trimming and shoeing, bruises, abscesses, thrush, navicular syndrome and laminitis.

Hoof Care.pdf (PDF — 143 KB)

Video of abscess draining from a heel bulb:

Preventative Health Care for the Horse

Control of disease in your horse requires a combination of good management, proper vaccination schemes and a good working relationship with your veterinarian. There are three factors that impact the development of a preventive health care program: horse factors, location factors and owner factors.

Preventative Health Care for the Horse.pdf (PDF — 260 KB)

Weight Loss in Horses

Find out how we will examine and treat your horse if they have weight-loss issues.

Weight Loss in Horses.pdf (PDF — 60 KB)

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